World famous brands such as Alexander Mcqueen, Dior Paul Smith and Giuseppe Zanotti have redesigned the hypest sneakers in the men’s collections for BEYMEN during this summer season. It seems like Beymen is kicking it and is taking the evolution of sneakers industry very seriously. Here is our exclusive interview about the dominant power of sneakers’ industry with Ahmet Ocal, a buying and merchandising director of Beymen’s men merchandise group.
Interview Alexander Koko
In the last three years all types of sneakers have dominated the shoe market all over the world. What about sneaker mania at Beymen?
Well, we have been having the same blast like the rest of the world. Our sneaker business has almost reached to 65 % of our total shoe business. And we are one of the biggest customers among the brands we sell in our stores.
Speaking of today: the current sneaker market is very diverse.There are the giant sports companies competing for their main spot and there’s also good variety of sneakers produced by hight-end fashion brands. How does Beymen fit into this competitive market? Why should we buy sneakers from Beymen stores?
Trends are changing super fast.The creative interactions between the giant sport companies and high end fashion brands help grow this diversity in the market. We have a very positive perstective to this diversity because it helps us to offer a very wide range of products for different segments. It is true that there is a challenge of doing that in a correct way but we are very confident in that sense. We keep ourselves updated and we change the way we buy sneakers accordingly. Today we have a very wide offer of Valentino and Mc Queen sneakers in our stores but at the same time we are pushing a lot new sneaker projects like Versace Chain Reaction and Stella Mc Cartney Loop sneakers. We present these collections with temporary shop in shops in our stores .Also apart from the high end brands our Blender section is growing incredibly fast with the brands like Golden Goose and Premiata. We have built sneaker walls in our 3 biggest store and those walls are offering a very good and exclusive selection of brands like Nike, Adidas and others.
Nowadays all the brands are designing almost the same type of sneakers, I could say they are pretty much identical! High sole, rude looking and mostly heavy when worn daily. What is your main criteria in choosing the sneaker collections for Beymen clients?
It is very important to do a good curation when you do the selection. First of all ,we always try to buy best off’s those brands then, try to find the way to differentiate them from each other and last we make sure that we have different stories to tell to our customers. We go deep in the quantites of best seller models but at the same time we like to surprise our customers with the models they can not find anywhere else in the world.
This summer season, Alexander McQueen, Dior, Paul Smith ve Giuseppe Zanotti have designed some exclusive sneakers only for Beymen. How did this process started? How is it going so far?
As you mentioned earlier, sneaker market is diverse and competitive. Today ,the most important thing is to be and to offer something different in the sneaker market. We are one of the first ones in the world with an exclusive sneaker project.
Deptartment Stores like Harrods, Selfridges and online retailers like Matches realize the same type of projects. We have challenged our partners to create the sneakers that a customer can only find in Beymen stores. We co worked with them to offer the exclusive models or/and color combinations. This project will not be for a single season and we will go on having exclusive sneaker projects with Christian Louboutin, Givenchy, Premiata, Alexander McQueen and Valentino.
Do you think sneaker mania will last forever? Or is it just another temporary or just seasonal trend alert?
I believe we have a long way to go. For sure sneaker mania will evolve with different themes and stories .