Cool People: Interview With Actor Oktay Cubuk
Interview Alexander Koko
Oktay Cubuk is an actor based in Istanbul. Oktay was born and raised in Izmir, Turkey.He graduated from American Collegeand later moved to Istanbul where he continued his studies at Bilgi University and finally finished Film and Television major. Oktay has been an actor for more than five years now and has been starring in TV series and films.Two years ago Oktay won an important award from the Turkish Screenwriters Association for the Best Leading Actor with the movie ‘When I’m Done Dying’. Along with his acting career, he loves traveling, meeting new people and having a lot of fun. Interviewed by our creative director Alexander Koko, Oktay Cubuk is one of the coolest guys in town. Scroll down and read this exclusive ‘Cool People’ interview to know him better…
What was your favorite toy that you still remember from your childhood? Why?
I had a small football and a notebook. I was creating a league with real and imaginary teams and players. I was playing their games in my mind and was re-creating key moments by myself. I also kept statistics and drew some of the goals!
What is your dressing style?
I love to dress as i like 🙂 Depending on the occasion, I wear what would make me feel right according to my mood. These days I really like two-pieces clothings, rather than matching completely two different pieces. When you do in this way, the outfit actually becomes one whole creation.
What is the coolest piece in your wardrobe?
A cool piece that I recently got from Les Benjamins which I was wearing in Amsterdam almost every day.
What is your grooming routine every morning?
When I wake, I try to stay away from my phone for some time. I generally take a cold shower and listen to music. I also meditate.
If there is any style icon you follow, who is it and why?
I don’t follow anyone in particular but I get inspired from some street styles that I think are good styled and worn. I also follow dressing styles and trends from global Men’s Fashion Weeks.
What is your favorite decorative object in your house?
A beautiful totem that my mother brought me as a gift from Colombia.
Which neighborhood in Istanbul is your favorite one? Why?
Ulus in Istanbul, my favorite neighborhood in which I actually live.
What is your favorite place in İstanbul? Why?
My mother’s house which is located inside Robert College. The campus is just breathtaking!
What was the coolest country, city or place to have the best fun ever? What did you do?
I love Amsterdam. I think it’s one of the best cities in the world to have fun!
Photographer Jiyan Kizilboga